Since this change is only physical it is not metamorphosis. Markl uses magic to transform himself into an old man when Howl is gone, to earn respect from customers. Howl and Markl are also able to change their appearance due to magic. In Howl’s Sophie first morphs into an old because of her lack of confidence and she morphs to her proper age when she becomes confident. As Sophie learns to put age and beauty aside and accept herself for who she is her appearance changes back to the young woman she was. While working in the castle and growing closer to Howl, Sophie learns to put aside her appearance to get things done and help the people she cares about. After Howl throws a temper tantrum due to his changing hair color Sophie first tries to be positive, that does not help, so she berates him, still nothing, and in the end she helps him, again. Sophie speaks her mind to the King’s witch (Madame Suliman) and the Witch of the Waste, without a second thought.
As an old woman Sophie becomes more free and confident, because as Odell and Le Blanc (2009) put it “because she has nothing to lose” (p. Upon her transformation into an old woman Sophie decides that her cloths (a plain and conservative high collared blue dress) finally suit her. The spell or curse is tied to Sophie’s lack of confidence and how she feels about herself (Odell & Le Blanc, 2009). Sophie is turned into an old woman after the Witch of the Waste curses her. Metamorphosis in the film is caused by magic. A main theme in Howl’s Moving Castle is change and metamorphosis (Odell & Le Blanc, 2009) “a regular feature of Miyazaki films”.
In the 1990’s and 2000’s Miyazaki’s career is full of anthropomorphism, zoomorphism, and metamorphosis, though his most recent films have a heavier emphasis on metamorphosis. As the film has darker moments and deals with love, it was not meant for children, but teens and young adults. And it is frightening to watch parts of that same city explode and go up in flames when the war reaches them. It is delightful to watch Sophie and Howl walk on air over the town as a parade takes place below. Odell and Le Blanc (2009) call Howl’s delightful and frightening. In this world magic is accepted as a part of life, and is feared and well as valued. Even with Miyazaki’s changes the film remains rooted in fantasy with a wizard, a witch and curse that changes Sophie’s appearance. In the novel there is no war, Sophie has magic, Sophie’s sisters have a larger role, and Howl has a love interest other than Sophie. In a 2005 Newsweek interview Miyazaki said that the film was “profoundly affected by the war in Iraq”.

According to Odell and Le Blanc (2009) real world events diverted the film from the novel original form.

The master of the castle is Howl, a wizard, who according to rumors is loved and feared. A mesh of machinery and many parts of homes the moving castle is a large wandering mess held together by magic. It is said that the idea of adapting the novel into a film appealed to Miyazaki because of the castle the castle as Odell and Le Blanc (2009) put it “is clearly a designers dream” (p. Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) is an adaptation from the book, by Diana Wynne Jones (Odell & Le Blanc, 2009).